Abstract Guidelines

Rules for Main Oral Paper Presentation:

  1. Date & Time: 11th Jan 2025 (Day 2); Approx time: 1830 - 2000h (Exact time shall be announced by 05 Jan 2025)
  2. The oral presentation will be 07 minutes (5 minutes for presentation + 2 minutes for discussion)
  3. Restrict your slide to a maximum of 10-12 with the following subheadings:
    • Title (1 slide)
    • Introduction (1 slide)
    • Aim/objectives (1 slide)
    • Methodology (2-3 slides)
    • Result & discussion (3-4 slides)
    • Summary/conclusion (1 slide)
    • Reference (1 slide)
  4. Paper should be in powerpoint (ppt/pptx format) and should not exceed 50MB. All slides should be in landscape format.
  5. Use sans-serif fonts. These fonts project better and are easier to read. Examples of sans serif fonts include Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, and Verdana. An 18-point font size is recommended. Words in all capital letters and custom fonts are hard to read.
  6. You should have no more than five to eight lines of type with no more than five to seven words per line. Type should be well-spaced and sized in 30- to 36-point font for headings and at least 24-point font for body copy. Keep custom animations and slides transitions simple and use them sparingly
  7. Using a uniform background color, text size, text color, and font throughout your slide presentation makes it easier for the audience to follow the flow of your ideas.
  8. The oral presentation slides must be emailed by 9 Jan 2025 to imcabstract2025@gmail.com
  9. The facilities for the preview of your PPT slide will be available at the conference venue one day prior to the presentation.